Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm Charles, and I'm here to save your life; I'm Gwyneth, and I hate fatties

WEtv just sent out an email promoting their new health and fitness show, I Want To Save Your Life, premiering April 25th at 10 PM.

Here's a sneak peek:

I have to say, I adore Charles Platkin. He offers plenty of caring, but is quick to call people on their b.s. Watch how he runs up to a rather hefty woman nursing a Cold Stone cone, and asks to take it from her. "You'll have to walk five hours to burn this off!" It's like a mobile intervention! And so entertaining. (As long as he's not offering to help you.) This is not your average diet show.

Also concerned with our ever-expanding asses is none other than Ms. Gwyneth Paltrow. Read all about it in today's NY Post:

"OVER the years, Mario "Fanta Pants" Batali's weight has ballooned along with his ego. It's gotten so bad, insiders said, that his pal Gwyneth Paltrow gave him a free membership to the pricey gym that she and her fitness friend Tracy Anderson are opening in TriBeCa this summer, saving him the $4,500 membership fee and monthly bills. An insider said, "Mario is the only fat friend she has, and wants him to change." A rep for Paltrow didn't return e-mails."

How very kind.

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